Summary Draft 1

In the article “Duo turn plastic waste into a concrete idea” (Goy, 2016) the green efforts of converting plastic waste to carbon nanotubes with the technology developed by BlueRen company. Many recycling processes done by previous studies on the conversion of plastic waste into carbon nanotubes are expensive, produces harmful gases, not scaleable and do not focus on product yield. However, BlueRen’s recycling process uses a more environment-friendly mineral as the catalyst and produces 1,000 tonnes of carbon nanotubes from every 10,000 tonnes of plastic waste. Carbon nanotubes are light, thin, strong and able to conduct electricity which are generally used in batteries and electronics. Furthermore, the carbon material can be used as an additive in concrete and this can reduce the amount of cement used by up to 30%. Unlike common recycling methods, BlueRen’s technology is about upcycling (converting waste into products of higher value) rather than downcycling. While nanotechnology is a feasible method in upcycling plastic waste, it does offer potential disadvantages such as economy disruption, possible threats to health and the environment.

Edited: 26 September 2017


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